As the lead designer at Jacht and the sole designer for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications (CoJMC) client team, I had the opportunity to design wall wraps for two different spaces at the college. CoJMC needed a new design for the main wall in their lobby space that highlighted the college’s mission statement and served as a centerpiece in the lobby. They also needed a design for the main wall in the lobby of the new Experience Lab space. This wall would be one of the first things visitors and students would see when entering the space, and it would also be a place to acknowledge the sponsors of The Experience Lab.

College of Journalism & Mass Communications Wall Wraps

Adobe Illustrator * Environmental Graphics * Print Prep

My goal for the mission statement wall was to design something that would blend into the space stylistically but have bold elements to catch visitors’ eyes. I worked with the CoJMC Dean to understand what she wanted the feeling of the wall to be. We decided to go for something modern but not so modern that it wouldn’t feel professional and trustworthy, two important aspects of the college’s branding. The Dean also wanted the design to connect to the college’s focus on research and data journalism, so I designed a subtle pattern reminiscent of data lines to frame the mission statement. 

Although the two wall wraps were in separate buildings, I wanted them to be a pair to visually connect The Experience Lab with CoJMC. To do so, I used the same “data lines” pattern from the mission statement wall and stayed within the bounds of the college’s branding. Since the primary purpose of the wall wrap was to acknowledge the donors and sponsors of the Experience Lab, I proposed we use acrylic frames to display their logos and names rather than incorporating them into the wall wrap itself so that the wall would be adaptable in the event that sponsors change in the future. 


2022 Perry Photo Challenge


The Experience Lab