In 2021, The College of Journalism and Mass Communications (CoJMC) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln introduced a new learning program called The Experience Lab. This program allows students to gain hands-on experience in journalism, advertising, personal relations, and multimedia early on in their college careers. Students work on teams with faculty liaisons and professional mentors to build academic skills and explore their professional interests through one of the college's media outlets.

As the lead designer at Jacht Agency and the sole designer on the CoJMC client team, I had the opportunity to design logos for each program within The Experience Lab. My goal was to create a cohesive set of logos that worked into the college’s pre-existing brand guidelines but were still unique enough from each other and felt connected to the programs’ respective focus areas. In designing these logos, I used clean lines and typography to suggest a modern yet professional feel and diagonal lines to convey movement and progression. 

** Logos for KRNU and Nebraska Nightly were based on pre-existing designs. I tweaked these two logos to fit within the updated Experience Lab branding. **

The Experience Lab Logo Set

Adobe Illustrator * Logo Design * Branding


Statewide Wire Service

Nebraska News Service is a state news wire service that provides stories written by UNL student journalists to more than 100 community news organizations.

An Online Community Magazine for Nebraska

Heartland is a new student-run webzine. Students will work to produce digital content for Nebraska audiences.

Live News Show

Nebraska Nightly is a student-produced recorded show. Students will work to produce video and audio content for Lincoln and Nebraska audiences.

Nebraska Sports Reporting

Unlimited Sports is an online student-led sports program that produces stories covering sports in the community.


COJMC Wall Wraps


Sycamore Custom Typeface